Undecided on the EU referendum? Here is a simple solution

I think the government and their Stay Campaign cronies are peddling snake oil. But how can people know that to be true? Well, I have a simple solution for the undecided voter.

When I resigned from my job as director general of the British Chambers of Commerce it was because I wanted to speak freely about Brexit. …

I had always been a healthy Eurosceptic. Yet I believed it was worth working from within the EU in an effort to reform it.

At the beginning of this year I came to a crossroads.

Firstly, the Prime Minister returned from two years of supposed negotiations with an agreement about as reliable as the one with which Neville Chamberlain returned from Munich in 1938.

It was, in other words, not worth the paper it was written on. It became clearer than ever that the EU is a political project that is incapable of meaningful reform.

Secondly, I was appalled by the fact that the Prime Minister, having been unable to achieve any meaningful reforms, had decided we would be better off remaining in the EU. …

I became and remain convinced Britain will be more prosperous, have safer jobs, be more secure and have more influence if we leave the EU. And I am not alone.

On my side are two former chancellors of the exchequer and a former leader of the Social Democrats who is an expert on foreign affairs.

All are as sharp as a knife and with years of experience. None of them is beholden to anyone; they have only the pursuit of truth and the interests of our country at heart.

They believe, as I do, that the UK will do very well outside the EU and that we must leave before it is too late.

The former governor of the Bank of England says nearly as much in his recent book, warning of the folly and danger of the eurozone project and leaving me with the impression that we should not be in the same room when it explodes.

By contrast, the Prime Minister and the Remain campaign prefers the company of bureaucrats and technocrats who depend upon the continuation of the eurozone and its further integration for their position and power, their pay and pensions.

Just as Christine Lagarde is part of the European elite and her organisation, the IMF, is funded by the European Commission and the UK Government, so are many other organisations who make up the cronies of the Remain campaign. …

My strong advice to the undecided is that if you cannot discern the truth from the facts, instead apply the old adage of “judging a person by the company they keep”.

People of good faith who are not beholden to anybody and have only the interests of Britain at heart, or the self-serving vested interests who want us to remain locked into the EU. And then vote accordingly on June 23.

John Longworth, 18.5.16 – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/05/17/undecided-on-the-eu-referendum-here-is-a-simple-solution/

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